Ecovillage Living
Changes at the Findhorn Foundation in Scotland
Our Summer
“I have dedicated my book to you and to our summer.”
“Pity you left it unsaid”
So why hadn't Mother crowned an heir?
Snow on Lake Boon
Today, I am alone on a self-directed writer's retreat.
Sleeve Tattoos
Permanent exhibit, body armor or psychic shield?
Understanding a felt sense – Reading an intuition
The answer was an unexpected flat impression- an indifferent dullness -
Moving away, I’ll miss my winged neighbors
There is so much I shall miss about this ancestral home; the birds are at the top of the list.
A Grateful Heart is a Generous Heart
How about a truce?
Money On The Journey of Life
As a youth, I remember the day I realized the omnipresence of money.
A Book About Money For People Who Care
When we change our relationship with money, we change our relationship with life.